Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

Many thanks to Cheryl Andrews for once again giving me the inspiration for this challenge!


Writing has been my escape for almost as long as I can remember. All my joys and heartbreaks, triumphs and confusion, are worked through and figured out in my journals.

10 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

  1. My hat off! Incredible amount of “info” which You must have in them. We are keeping some “journals” in a very modest way:

    In my car we have a notebook into which I write the number of mileage which is in odometer when refilling my car. In addition to that price of fuel, amount of it, date and place where we refilled. This sounds nothing, but in addition to that my wife writes when on car travel where we visited, temperature, rain / sunshine, what we bought, prices and what we did do. Also did we have fun or not.

    On bigger holiday travel she keeps a daily diary. in our desk calenderers we keep our daily happenings.

    Happy Friday!


    1. I bet you enjoy looking back at these records of your travels, and remembering the people and places, the weather you enjoyed or coped with, and all the neat things you did. I rarely look back at the writing journals in the picture, but I re-read my travel journals regularly. They hold such wonderful memories!


      1. When I think of what I would save (once people and pets were safe) if I had to evacuate my house, my travel journals and my visual/collage journals are at the top of my list – even ahead of my harp. I can buy another harp from the same maker. The journals, and the memories and art they hold can’t be replaced.


      2. I would have to scurry because I don’t have my journals and trip journals all in the same place … when we move I will change that!


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